Wednesday, 22 August 2007

Let's Roll.

I thought I'd start with the least impressive of my works. (As if any of them were that impressive in the first place...) This is an interior of a spacecraft (duh). I'd love to be able to paint things like rooms and buildings, but I'm hopeless with rulers and dividers. I can't draw a straight line!

But I like the colours in this one, anyway. I tried to create that effect of distance between the viewer and the 'back' of the picture/back of the room by using warm colours for the anterior section, and cold colour for the section you can see through the doorway. But obviously I didn't follow that through, and the result is rather pathetic.

I get my kicks from colours. I don't ever paint things in local colours (their real-life colours, even with the effects of shadows or light), I'm only concerned with how the colours in the painting go together. I usually choose one or two bright, unmixed colours, and blend them with black and white. Often I don't like the colour I chose at first, so I just keep adding other colours until I'm satisfied.

In this picture, you can see that I tried that technique of using small brush strokes, changing the colour little by little from one end of the room to the other. I really admire it when someone can do that and really create the effect of smoothly changing colour. Here, it just looks messy.

Disappointed as I am with this one, there are some nicer pictures I'm actually decently happy with. I mean, you seriously should keep coming back to check them out some day.

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